
[Some words] 為器材控情節找到一個理由

Bill Brandt said:
我的作品中最常被拿去重製的,是一張少女躺在地上的肖像,那是在她自己位於倫敦的小套房裡拍的。也許那不算是肖像照。她的臉填滿畫面前景,輪廓之後有張椅子和附抽屜的五斗櫃。從房間的窗戶向外望,可以看到對街的房子。這作品在潛意識上得到Orson Welle的電影名作《大國民》(Citizen Kane)啟發。《大國民》的技法無疑地影響了我那時候的作品,我開始裸體寫真。



1926年,Edward Weston在日記上寫道:「相機看到人眼看不到的,不利用這特性的是傻瓜。」我的這部七十歲的新相機確實看得到更多,而且更不一樣。它對空間的描繪超讚,有一種不真實的深隧感,而且看起來變形得厲害。


Bill Brandt

Most frequently reproduced of all my photographs, is the Portrait of a Young Girl resting on the floor of her London room. Perhaps it is not really a portrait. Her face fills the foreground and beyond the profile stands a chair and a chest of drawers; seen through two windows are houses on the other side of the street. This picture may have been subconsciously inspired by Orson Welles' film Citizen Kane. The technique of this film had a definite influence on my work at the time when I was starting to photograph nudes.

Feeling frustrated by modern cameras and lenses which seemed designed to imitate human vision and conventional sight, I was looking everywhere for a camera with a very wide angle. One day in a secondhand shop, near Covent Garden, I found a 70-year-old wooden Kodak. I was delighted. Like nineteenth-century cameras it had no shutter, and the wide-angle lens, with an aperture as minute as a pinhole, was focused on infinity.

In 1926, Edward Weston wrote in his diary, " The camera sees more than the eye, so why not make use of it ? " My new camera saw more and it saw differently. It created a great illusion of space, an unrealistically steep perspective, and it distorted.

When I began to photograph nudes,I let myself be guided by this camera, and instead of photographing what I saw, I photographed what the camera was seeing. I interfered very little, and the lens produced anatomical images and shapes which my eyes had never observed.

